Nixie Tubes Clock

Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock

Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock
Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock
Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock

Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock    Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock

Rare Russian new, old stock -in12a's. Into a beautiful nostalgic 1960's full featured clock.

Case is milled from pistachio and inlay is turquoise. Pictures are of the finished clock. Pistachio is highly figured and no 2 clocks will look alike. RGB led backlighting so you can adjust the backlight to any color you wish. Built in cathode poison strategies to keep your clock healthy for many years.

A real time clock circuit for keeping accurate time as well as retain time/date information. Automatic dimming self-adjusts brightness to ambient light.

Network capable- clock will discipline itself to network time- its set once and forget. Wifi interface for easy change of clock parameters without special software. Very low power consumption (3-4 watts).

Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock    Pistachio In 12 Nixie Tube Clock